How Does It Work?

A Bible Made for Reading
The text is laid out in a beautiful single-column setting with chapters, verses, section headings, and footnotes removed; it is intentionally uncomplicated.
Simple Conversations

Once a week, community groups will engage in simple “book club” style conversations, engaging the Scripture using 4 simple questions.

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

You will need a copy of Immerse:Beginnings. Copies are availble at the church in the narthex (that's the room right outside the sanctuary).  Along with each copy of Beginnings, there is a reading plan, the plan can also be found here.  

Suggested donation is $10 per copy.

If you prefer to listen to the readings,  they are available on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, as well as most other podcast apps by searching for Immerse: Beginnings. 

Or, if you prefer to use an ebook, they are available for purchase by clicking here.

Discussion groups will help us grow in our understanding of the Word of God for our lives today.  Each group will begin with a welcome, a few reflections, a prayer, and often a short video overview of the reading. Each week you will then have discussion based on the following questions:

What stood out to you this week?
Was there anything confusing or troubling?
Did anything make you think differently about God? 
How might this change the way we live?

These questions should feel more like a book club than typical Bible study questions and are meant to encourage reflection, dialogue, and application. This is less about an academic study of Scripture and more about curiosity towards God’s words to us.

We are currently putting together a schedule of groups that will be posted here along with the contact information for the group.

Currently scheduled groups, beginning on Sunday, September 29th

Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the conference room with Sharon Barnhardt and Cheri Eaton

Wednesdays at 1:00 pm in the conference room with Bobbie Jo Misch

Reading through the whole New Testament in 8 weeks may sound like a lot,  but it has been broken down into manageable sections.  Readings are only 5 days per week which gives you some flexibility and is nice if you miss a day. Each day's reading is 8-10 pages and should take less than 30 minutes.  

A copy of the reading plan comes with each Immerse:Beginnings or can be found here on the Immerse website.

Immerse uses the New Living Translation at about a 6th-grade reading level. We recommend every reader in the family get their own Bible, or you may want to read out loud to younger kids. You can also use the family reading program: Beginnings - Family Guide  Another option is to listen to the audio version via the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 

Families have had great success reading and discussing together. And we are excited about the opportunity for multiple families to discuss the Bible together.

If you prefer to listen to the readings,  they are available on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, as well as most other podcast apps by searching for Immerse: Messiah. 

You can also listen directly here: Immerse:Beginnings


Or, if you prefer to use an ebook, they are available for purchase by clicking here.

Always. But,  having the Immerse Bible will help in dicussion groups. Additionally,  part of the experience is reading without chapter and verse numbers and other additions that affect the way we read.  We recommend a Bible for every reader in the family, or at least one per family.

Reading Schedule

Here is the outline of the reading schedule. You can find the daily schedule at this link.

Week 1:  September 29 - October 5

Week 2: October 6 - 12

Week 3:  Ocober 13-19

Week 4: October 20 - 26

Week 5:  October 27 - November 2

Week 6: November 3-9

Week 7:November 10-16

Week 8: November 17-23

The Story Behind Immerse