
Revelation 21:22-22:5

NOTE: No video due to technical issues.

As we explore the final chapters of Revelation, we're invited to contemplate how our future in God's kingdom should shape our present lives. The vision of a new heaven and new earth isn't just a distant hope, but a call to action today. We're challenged to be faithful witnesses, sharing the gospel with urgency and living undivided lives fully devoted to Christ. This message reminds us that our ultimate allegiance is to the Lamb, not to any earthly power or ideology. How can we embody the values of God's kingdom now – promoting human flourishing, seeking reconciliation, and resisting injustice? By aligning ourselves with God's vision for the future, we can make a tangible difference in our world today, all while remembering that it's God alone who will bring His kingdom in its fullness.

How does the vision of a new heaven and new earth in Revelation impact the way you live your life today? What specific changes might you make to align more closely with this future reality?

The sermon emphasizes the importance of sharing the gospel. What are some practical ways you could incorporate sharing your faith into your everyday activities and conversations?

How do you balance living 'in the world' with the call to not be divided in your allegiance to Christ? Are there areas of your life where you find this particularly challenging?

What does it mean to you personally to 'walk in the light of Jesus' in all aspects of your life? How might this look different in various contexts (work, home, social settings)?

The sermon discusses the tension between political engagement and ultimate allegiance to Christ. How do you navigate this balance in your own life and interactions with others?

In what ways can you contribute to 'human flourishing' in your local community or on a global scale? How does this relate to the vision of the new creation in Revelation?

How does the image of the 'slaughtered lamb' at the center of Revelation's praise challenge our cultural views on power, violence, and solutions to conflict?

The sermon mentions the danger of questioning other Christians' faith based on political differences. How can we maintain unity in the church while engaging in important discussions about social and political issues?

What role do you think the Holy Spirit plays in empowering believers to live out the values of the future kingdom now? How can we be more open to the Spirit's guidance in this area?

How does the concept of 'witness' in Revelation challenge or expand your understanding of what it means to be a Christian in today's world?