
Hebrews 10:19-39
Gathering Together

This sermon explores the significance of Christian fellowship and gathering together, based on Hebrews 10:19-25. It emphasizes that while attending church doesn't automatically make one a Christian, gathering with other believers is crucial for spiritual growth and encouragement. The sermon connects Jesus' role as the ultimate high priest to our ability to approach God confidently, and stresses the importance of spurring one another on toward love and good deeds through regular fellowship.

Key Points:

  • Jesus is both the high priest and the perfect sacrifice, giving us access to God
  • We are called to draw near to God, hold onto our faith, and spur one another on
  • Gathering together is essential for encouraging and supporting each other in faith
  • Our approach to church should focus on how we can encourage others, not just what we can receive
  • When we gather, we are entering into the presence of God, not just a physical building

How does the image of Jesus as both high priest and sacrifice challenge or deepen your understanding of His role in our salvation?

In what ways do you find it challenging to 'hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,' and how might focusing on Jesus as our anchor help with this?

How does the tension between being 'made perfect' and 'being made holy' play out in your own spiritual journey?

What are some practical ways we can 'spur one another on toward love and good deeds' in our church community?

How might viewing church attendance as an opportunity to encourage others, rather than just receive, change your approach to Sunday mornings?

In what ways have you experienced the power of Christian community in helping you hold fast to your faith?

How can we balance the need for personal spiritual growth with the call to gather for the sake of others?

What does it mean to you personally to 'have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus'?

How might regularly reminding ourselves that we are 'sitting in the presence of God' during worship change our attitude and participation?

In what ways can we be 'spiritual workout buddies' for each other, and how might this strengthen our faith individually and as a community?